When I saw this picture, I knew that I had to incorporate 2020 into it somehow. Yes, perhaps 2020 memes are outdated, but the uncanny, almost evil laugh smile she has is screaming 2020 all over it. I simply couldn’t resist, so here we are.

Going into 2020 I really thought that it was going to be the best year for me. I mean, c’mon, 2020 is such a perfect even number everything about it says perfection. Covid, wildfires, murder hornets, Kobe Bryant’s and George Floyd’s death, stock market crash, toilet paper crisis, Chadwick Boseman’s and Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, as well as Trump’s positive covid test, are just a few examples of how absolutely insane that year really was. Not to mention the King Alex Trebek’s death too, how could you possibly continue Jeopardy now.

It really put a damper on my senior year and some summer trips I had planned with my brother. We were supposed to go to the Olympics in Japan, but of course that also quickly got canceled. It seemed that 2020 was a Jack in a Box that someone was winding up waiting for it to explode and sure enough it came popping out shouting “SURPRISE!” 2020 was filled with a lot of turmoil that I don’t think anyone was expecting which is why this picture was practically perfect, especially with her laugh being almost maniacal and the other man being completely thrown off.
