Meeting One: Can be found attached to metacommentary page.

Meeting Two: I am almost completely done with the first draft of my short story. I will be sending it to Jesse later this week in order to receive some feedback and see if I am making the necessary revisions. Jesse also provided me with a few more resources to use for inspiration and the writing process. We discussed the use of the camera lense and scene setting in our meeting. The scene is much larger than what I am used to creating, so he provided me with resources in order to help me dissect my scene and make the necessary edits. Once I have received feedback, I will draft my second and final version by the middle of next week. My next step after that is to look at my artist book and how I want to craft it.

Meeting Three: I met with Jesse earlier this week where we went over the first few pages of my revised version of the short story. Again, the problem of showing versus telling is a prominent issue I have when I write. We also discussed the ending, the overall theme and purpose of the short story, and character development. I was hopeful when I finished my short story, but now it is time to start all over again and go through another revision process before peer review.