“We can ‘read’ a canvas, notice metaphors, symbols, even spatial or color ‘rhymes’ within it. Conversely we can ‘look at’ a poem, observe its shape on the page, discuss its ‘imagery’ amd ‘texture’” (Moramarco 25).

This quote immediately stood out to me, especially because of our humanities conversations we have been having in class. It shows how the humanities are an intricate part of each other and how interpretations or being both right and wrong play into the art and English world. There is not an either/or but a both/and with art and poetry. They may be different topics of learning or creativity, but they can be read the same way. It exposes how versatile interpretation and understanding truly is. 

“Out of my head, half-bursting,/ still filling, the dream condenses– /shadows, crystals, ceilings, meadows, globes of dew” (Rich 13-15).

This direct quote from one of the versions of the poem stuck out to me after reading Speculations. It shares such a sharp contrast with the rest of the poem that holds angst and sadness, yet this line has a different aura about it. However, it still correlates to the image in a way. It might not be the exact words from the painting, but it can be interpreted in a similar way that the painting is trying to portray. 

When combining both of these quotes and ideas, you can see how painting and poetry correlate and interplay with each other. We can look at Rich’s poem aside from the painting and digest it differently which is similar to if we look at Elmer’s painting without the poem. However, when added together they create a different and unique value compared to each creative work on its own. 

Does poetry and art have the same effect on their own or would they be more powerful together? Is this a version of imitation why or why not? Should poetry and art be taught together in one class, what would be the benefits behind a class that connected the two different forms of creativity?