Abnormal Psychology

Course Catalog: This course provides students with information regarding the symptoms, causes, and treatment of what is generally recognized as abnormal behavior. Students will be expected to think critically about the research evidence with regard to various explanations and treatments of mental illness, and to develop clinical rationale for diagnostic choices they might make as a hypothetical treatment provider. Additionally, students will become familiar with the major assessment index for psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers (DSM-IVTR) and learn how to apply its categories to several client cases discussed in class.

I have a minor in psychology because it is something I love to learn but is not something I want a career in. I took the benefit of me coming in with 26 credits to pick up two minors especially since the English major is so flexible. This course was hard for me because it was the first class I’ve had to take in class exams for since before covid and my test anxiety got the better of me. I learned a lot of different disorders and treatments, but my favorite was schizophrenia, personality disorders, eating disorders, and facitious disorder. The attached file is my favorite case study because even though it is an extremely sad story, it is real life story. I want to apply psychology somehow in my future because I want to expose the truth behind mental illness. I loved this course no matter how hard it was!