Fortunes Rocks Beach

The pink and blue swirls dancing around in the sky remind me of cotton candy. There’s a sense of bliss and joy that basks over me when I stand below them. Something about being able to reminisce about childhood memories brings me joy, back when things weren’t so complicated. Watching the waves collapse into the sand ensures me that backtracking in life is okay. Relief. That’s all there is here: relief. The snails finding security on the scattered, damp rocks make me smile. There’s an innocence about them. See! And we are back to childhood feelings. It’s something you can never shake. 

The surfers that are brave enough to face the cold of the water make me realize that I’m not the only person on this big huge rock of Earth. Relief. I’m not the only one taking each day step by step, but there is no worrying about that here. If you close your eyes real tight and listen for just one moment you can hear the steady crashing of the waves. It puts you in a trance. In the background there are dogs barking, strangers introducing themselves to each other, and for once I don’t have any thoughts rummaging around in my brain. Relief. 

Running across the sand with sneakers allows giggles to slip past my lips. The water rushing out from the wall of rocks creates a puddle so big that I can’t clear the jump. My feet are soaked. Looking down at my slightly discolored sneakers, I laugh harder. Now they match the color of the wet sand beneath my feet. My socks squish with each step, mimicking the texture of the sand as my weight crushes into it. The smile on my face is hard to erase even after the stressful week I endured, but looking up into the hypnotic colors of the sky, that smile only grows wider. Relief.

Scenes like these make me wish I was a painter. Imagine having the talent to capture something so beautiful with your hands. The brisk wind whips through my hair, cutting off my line of vision and snapping me out of my imagination. That sharp coldness behind the breeze breaks through my strong exterior, making me feel something besides numbness and stress. Taking one last peak around, standing on the edge of a rock, I take a deep breath and inhale the smell of seaweed and ocean. Relief.