Like my tweet says, I’m not about the whole engineering aspect but that’s because I’m an English major. My perfect hybrid would be my favorite breakfast choices wrapped in one. Every morning I have to have a cup of coffee it just really gets my blood pumping. I knew I had to do something with a coffee maker so I brainstormed for several minutes about what would match with a coffee maker. If I’m hungry in the morning I always have some form of toasted bread, whether it be a bagel, avocado toast, or just plain toast for some fuel in the morning.

When it comes to the engineering process, I’m not sure what form makes sense. I was thinking if it was possible I could put the toaster on the side, but then I was worried the toast would fly out on the counter. My only problem with it being on top is the practicality behind the height. I like to put my coffee maker on the counter, which has cabinets above it. I want it to be slim and fit so it would be able to fit on everyone’s counter. I feel like everyone has a toaster and everyone has some form of a coffee maker, so maybe it would boom in the appliance industry.
