So I may have a big blended family, but they don’t all get along. I wanted to take a funnier approach to this topic. I couldn’t include enough animals to make a Brady Bunch and I didn’t want to do a generic play on the Brady Bunch family.

The only other thing I could think of was a Celebrity Crush Circle. Instead of focusing on real life people that surround my everyday moves, I thought I would focus on the Brady Bunch that I may be a little obsessed with.

First we have Gordon Ramsey, which I don’t think there needs to be a lot of explaining for. He is a master in the kitchen but has an amazing soft spot in his heart for kids. Next up is Matthew Gray Gubler, aka Spencer Reid, who is an author and a pretty good looking FBI agent. He also tries to embrace being different. Then of course the man that paved the road in the 70s for uniqueness would be David Bowie. My favorite 80s actor would go to Patrick Swayze. Between Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Roadhouse, The Outsiders, Point Break, and To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, how could you not agree with me.

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough room to comment on the King Harry Styles. Yungblud and Machine Gun Kelly both understand the struggle of life, society, and creating your own lane. Jean Claude Van Damme created some of the best fight scenes and was a total French hottie in the 80s. So yea, I took a different turn on the Brady Bunch, but I love how this turned out.
