This assignment took me awhile just to understand how to navigate through X-ray website. Although I had a lot of fun making this, it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to deem worthy enough for a world record page and I wanted it to be funny. My friend is obsessed with cats in space pictures (I have no idea why) and I thought I would use one to create a world record.

I tried to incorporate some comedy, but I don’t know if it will all land or even be funny for people. I am not a cat person, but when I grocery shop for cat owners, I am ALWAYS getting Friskies treats for their cats. I have bought 15 bags for someone before and it was crazy. Everything in the picture was pretty cute, the big eyes and the paw up close to the camera shot really added to the integrity of the cat. What better critter to have in space than a nimble feline?
