An Asian American Activist group started a petition to address the lack of representation of Asian Americans and their culture on campus. This petition has four demands, as stated by Elena-Tow, a first year student. The demands include, “implement an Asian American studies minor, create a diversity university core class requirement, create hiring lines for staff and faculty of color, and increase funding for Asian language programs and expand Asian language options.” One of the petition creators believes that by addressing academic structural changes, they will be able to create a real change on campus. The demands were linked to anger among the Asian American community of underrepresentation, especially after the loss of a Japanese teacher, Seiko Katsushima. The petition currently holds 543 signatures, but is still being passed around the campus and local community. The Asian American activist group has hope since they are no longer fighting against the school but are trying to work with the school. This is only a stepping stone for representing minorities on campus and hopefully the next step is to unite cultural clubs to take a stand together.
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