When it comes to Covid-19 in lower income communities, they were hit harder than the rest of the world. The pandemic targeted impoverished communities harder, but it wasn’t intentional. Unfortunately, the surroundings of those communities aided the pandemic’s purpose.
Most, if not all, impoverished communities do not have the same resources that wealthier communities do. When it comes to healthcare resources, their resources are usually out of reach due to the cost of healthcare or the doctors working in those types of areas are strung out. The urgent cares are usually packed, but for covid things like that were different. People with wealthier funds had the access to hospitals and were eligible to be put on ventilators, but people with lower incomes did not have the same luxury.
The after effects of Covid-19 also impacted people in impoverished areas differently. It left them more vulnerable to serious illnesses that have been tied to covid after the symptoms vanish.
The health wealth gradient is so huge, that targeted individuals end up living in impoverished areas. It is also a subconscious racism that is a problem with Covid as well. The health wealth gradient was such a huge difference during covid that it was putting impoverished people at risk.
If we take a look at celebrities, there were mass amounts of people dying, but because of their wealth, they were able to fly anywhere they desired. They had the best doctors on hand in case anything happened, but were not taking the precautions necessary to not only save themselves but others.
When it came to my own community, we had the backpack program which was a program where backpacks full of food were given to child under the poverty line to take home over the weekend. During covid, not only were they living in areas where they were untop of people, but they also did not have the same access to food. On top of not having money to buy food as it was, their parents also did not have jobs when the world shut down.
That is another topic that is not discussed when you think of impoverished areas during covid. Impoverished families were usually working in areas that shut down, and if they went online, who’s to say that the families had the technology access to keep that job. Again, it’s an endless loop that keeps people trapped.
When you look at fundamental cause theory in depth, it is evident how it played into the pandemic. People that are wealthier have better access to health care and better environments that did not help spread the virus.
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